DualAlign helps companies solve difficult computer vision and image processing problems. Our most widely used software libraries are integrated into solutions that automatically and precisely register images. With the help of our software, it is then possible to:
- Align retina images and help visualize change
- Automatically stitch photographs together to generate wider of view mosaic or montage images
- Compare images captured by different types of sensors in different wavelengths
- Align aerial imagery acquired for commercial, residential, agriculture and defense applications
- Compare real-time images to archival images

Software library and tools to automatically register, align and compare ophthalmic images. Assemble mosaic images from retinal images -- from fundus to fluorescein to adaptive optics -- all automatically.
For commerial-grade automatic image registration, comparison and wide-field image generation. Available with a user interface or API. Automatic processing of large image collections and multiple camera modalities.
Automatic georeferencing software for remote sensing applications. Supports multi-spectral images and control points and thousands of images.
Photographers can stitch together oversized artwork and automatically assemble multi-image panorama photos with automatic illumination correction.